Sunday 12 September 2010

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Awake: 7:25am    Temp 59    sleep 6+52    heavy dew-drizzle    overnight @ Nicktown.

Mid morning, we Skyped & talked with Nick in Seattle for (40) min. Jerry is now riding his bike without training wheels & Nick continues his search for a bigger home in the Queen Anne area of Seattle. And Momoko seems to enjoy seeing our mugs during our sessions.

Kathy spent a few hrs on face-book where she caught up on all the activity of her family & friends.... & I tried & catch-up on my e-mail.

My sister, Mary Jo, called from CA & we updated each other for a good (35) min. Their youngest son, Matt, will marry Christine on October 9th in a very small immediate family wedding & reception. Their oldest son Brian's computer business is doing much better & today is their daughter (our Goddaughter) Jen's birthday. So we wish you a very Happy Birthday, Jen.

Mid to late afternoon, cousin Cyril & cousin Tony stopped in for a short visit to check out our BIG DIG progress.

Mid evening, Nick, in Seattle, gave us a 2nd phone call; he has found another house of interest in the Queen Anne area. He gave us the computer address so we could look @ the pictures with him & discuss the pros & cons. We agreed that their seem to be many more pros than cons!  

Late evening; we continued watching the movie: "The Go Between" with Julie Christie, Alan Bates, Dominic Guard, Margaret Leighton, etc. Beguiling film from L.P. Hartley; story of boy who becomes messenger for love notes between aristocratic Christie and farmer Gates. Lushly filmed & full of nuances. Not for all tastes. 1970. WE agree not for all taste, ours included, for this British love story.

Lights out: 12:06am.          


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 15, 2010 12:44 PM.

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