Friday 10 September 2010

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Awake: 6:16am     Temp 51      sleep 6+22      partly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

No KK meeting this morning. Kathy joined the woman @ the church hall who were organizing the incoming, donated food as well as cooking hams, potatoes, green beans, etc. for the lunch to follow the memorial service. I waited until 10:40am & then started walking to the community center. Up ahead were the Marines who will be doing the 21 gun Salute. DSC09931.JPG

The media were already in position to capture this event for tonight's news. In the event of trouble makers, there were @ least (40) motorcycles in position to rev their engines & drown out those potential hecklers. DSC09933.JPG Fortunately for us, that didn't happen. Minutes before 11:00am, I entered the gym & took a seat close to Kathy, but, I couldn't see very well so I moved about 30 ft & took a seat in the gym's rear bleachers. DSC09935.JPG Rev. August B. Twigg did a marvelous job telling the crowd more about Joshua's early life leading to his short military career & conducting a prayerful service. After the service was over, I told Kathy that I would return to the motorhome for an hr, & then join the lesser crowd in the church hall for lunch.

At the hall, Kathy greeted the mourners, directing them to beverages & the tables designated for family, etc. She also made sure to shake the hand of each incoming marine & thank him for his service.

Once most of the people had been seated, Kathy took up her position at the dessert table, assisting the diners with their dessert selections. In fact, she was still assisting in serving dessert when I arrived about an hour later. However, after most people were finishing their meals, she did join me in having some food & dessert; an abundance of delicious food.

Lights out: 11:23pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 14, 2010 8:29 AM.

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