Monday 2 August 2010

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Awake: 6:02am      Temp 63      sleep 6+34      sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

At our KK meeting this morning we had a special visitor: Judy, who went to the same high school but was a year younger than me. She spends winters in Naples, FL & usually spends the summer in PA. It was fun to catch up with her.

Afterward, K & I exercised for (30) min & then breakfast. Mid afternoon, Melissa pulled into our circular drive with the boys. We joined her in their van & rode about ½ mile to the Barr-Ridge Dairy Farm. Basically we were interested in seeing the newborn heifers & Rosemary was our tour guide. The boys were not shy about getting up close & personal with the calves & had them eating out of their hands within minutes. DSC09881.JPG

There were about (25) young heifers & as we toured, we saw another who had been born moments earlier, was still unsteady on her feet & who was being cleaned off by the mom & her helpers. DSC09890.JPG We saw about (175) milking cows all total. DSC09887.JPG The boys looked @ the cows & the cows looked @ the boys. DSC09889.JPG There were plenty of things to keep the boys interested as Rosemary toured us around the farm; just follow the leader to be the king of the mountain of sawdust. DSC09892.JPG Congratulations to all (3) kings they return to terra firma. DSC09896.JPG You don't want to pass up a swinging gate either. DSC09897.JPG Milking parlor before the cows come in. DSC09898.JPG Cleaning the cows teats before milking. DSC09902.JPG We stayed to see about (24) cows being milked & Beth let the boys push the button that starts the automatic milking.

Before leaving the Bar Ridge Dairy Farm, Melissa gave the boys a healthy snack & Rosemary poured lemonade into our glasses. Then we thanked Rosemary for such a casual & thorough tour of their modern Dairy farm.

Melissa dropped us off @ our motorhome & they returned to their Foote Castle. What an interesting afternoon it was for us & the Foote boys.

Dinner: Pea soup, bread, cherries, cantaloupe & a peach.

Lights out: 11:25pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 8, 2010 7:06 PM.

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