Sunday 1 August 2010

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Awake: 6:09    Temp 65    sleep 6+38    overcast    overnight @ Nicktown.

After attending 8:00am Mass,  Nick Skyped us & we talked with him for quite some time asking about his recent speaking engagements in Minnesota, & California. Very interesting of course; later we saw Eriko, Jerry & little Momoko as they slept in this morning. Jerry was still a little sleepy & in his "Woody" pajamas, the sheriff in Toy Story.....whereas Eriko & Momoko were looking wide awake. We watched & talked for 1 hr & 9 min.

Later, we got a phone call from my sister Corinne; she sounded great, very happy & positive when talking about her new change of employment & getting more organized in Pittsburgh.

Dinner: tuna steak with rice & golden raisins, mixed salad & cherries.

Lights out: 11:28pm.     


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