Tuesday 3 August 2010

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Awake: 6:28am    Temp 67    sleep 7+03    mostly cloudy    overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After our KK meeting, K & I picked blueberries for about an hr; then I made a call to Nature Drilling Inc. in Ebensburg & asked them for some assistance with our well. They were pretty sure they could give us a service call by mid afternoon.

Around 3:00 pm, in drove one of the Nature Drilling Inc. trucks. I suggested they cut off (25) ft of the PVC piping on Pump # 1 to perhaps raise the pump another (25) ft off the well floor to try & eliminate some of the iron water from this well.

To my surprise, it took only about (20) min to cut the piping, attach another pitiless adapter & splice the electrical wiring.....& they were done. We tested the shortened well pump longer than it took for them to do the work.

Afterwards, it seemed that the pure water raging out of the hose lasted longer than previous tests. I will be spending more time with this well later this summer.

Dinner: Beef stir-fry, veggies, cherries & cantaloupe.

Melissa called after dinner & told us how much the boys & she enjoyed the dairy farm tour yesterday. Today however, there was little fun. All the boys fell asleep on the way home last evening & therefore, didn't sleep well @ all. She went on to say they woke up at their usual time & were grouchy, not nice to each other & just downright tired. We felt badly about that of course.

Later, we tried to Skype Nick in Seattle for his 32nd birthday. No answer. We even kept the Apple computer on past Kathy's bedtime in the event he would call us back. It didn't happen.

Lights out: 11:36pm.             



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