Friday 20 August 2010

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Awake: 6:22am      Temp 62       sleep 6+18       mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy, Debbie & I exercised for (1.7) hrs.

Almost a month ago, I bought a new set of batteries for our brick phone but these last few days, the batteries aren't being charged. This time, I took the handset apart & found a 1980's circuit board; but I also discovered (2) unsoldered wires which led directly to the battery cluster.

All these yrs, these (2) wires were rubbing against their contact but not fastened securely. That explains why, in the past (3) yrs, ever since Gary gave us this phone, I've had to occasionally, bang the handset onto the cradle to get the battery charger working. It took a measly (5) min to solder those two loose wires to the contact & so far, it works like it should. DSC00052.JPG Then, I called Gary & we talked about the brick having some non-charging moments during the time they owned & operated it. We also had quite a loooong discussion about water & plumbing plans.

Earlier this morning, I had e-mailed Bernie, our builder, & offered to pinch hit doing the mowing on our property in lieu of him doing it. All that I needed from him was to have a strong mower delivered with fuel. This evening he responded by saying: "I will have a tractor for you in the morning."

Nick called us & we talked for about (20) min; mostly ideas & thoughts of buying a house during these poor economical times.

Dinner: leftover eggplant & ricotta melt, homegrown corn on the cob, & cherries & cantaloupe.

Evening movie: we watched ½ of: "The Wild Bunch."

Lights out: 12:07am.

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