Thursday 19 August 2010

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Awake: 7:04am      Temp 59      sleep 6+57       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I were scheduled to attend an "Elder Estate Advocacy Services" meeting @ noon today. Also Scott, in Indiana, had set up a meeting for 1:00pm to discuss our Geo-thermo heating & cooling layout with Bernie, the builder.

Scott wanted us to be there @ 1:00pm but we had this schedule conflict holding us back. Just before noon, Jackie from the Elder Estate, etc, called & told us she was running (15) min late & would that be which I replied: "by any chance could we change this meeting to next week because we have another meeting to attend @ 1:00pm?" She checked her list & told me: "next Thursday @ 1:00pm is open." "We'll take it," I said.

Meanwhile, I called Bernie to let him know we could make the 1:00pm meeting after all. We had a few extra min so en-route to REA in Indiana, we stopped briefly in Clymer & perused "Tates" grocery store but bought nothing.

Bernie had not met Scott before & the conversation between the two of them was like, "Greek" to me & Kathy. Some of the builder's terms they used were explained later. DSC00020.JPG Our meeting lasted about (1.3) hrs & afterward, we talked with Bernie outside for a good (20) min. One thing Bernie let us know: he is coming over on Saturday to mow the high weeds where the house will be setting in prep for the excavators, who have been notified. And, he also gave us an idea about "Manufactured Stone" & where to see a good display. The Apple Ridge Stone Company in Blairsville ... off we went. DSC00024.JPG Tammy toured us around the different displays while Kathy collected pamphlets & prices.

My photos did not due justice to what we saw.

Our stomachs were complaining a little so, using our GPS, we found the Pie Cucina Italian Restaurant in town & treated ourselves each to an Eggplant & Ricotta Melt dinner meal with a mixed salad. DSC00029.JPG The restaurant was a first for us, delightful atmosphere & good food.

Lights out: 11:56pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 22, 2010 8:37 AM.

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