Saturday 21 August 2010

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Awake: 5:25am    Temp 67     sleep 5+18      mostly cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

I didn't attend the KK meeting this morning due to waiting for a tractor to arrive. Around 9:00am, Bernie called to let me know that a tractor should arrive shortly.

(20) min later, in came a vehicle pulling a long trailer; it's a nice looking Bob Cat with a rear mower & a front bucket. I was given a short briefing on the mower controls & hydrostatic system & then I was left alone to "cut down those weeds."

I had brunch @ 1:30pm, then continued mowing until I had about 3/4's of our field property cleared before the fuel gage was close to the red line. DSC00033.JPG Good enough I thought. The temperature was in the mid 80's today....and the Bob Cat kept its cool but I was sweaty.

After cleaning up, K & I attended the 6:00 pm vigil Mass @ St. Nicholas.

Dinner: BLT's, with home grown tomatoes from our friend, Jean, cherries & cantaloupe.

Kathy was nice & washed the dishes since I was a little tired. But, we had enough energy to finish watching: "The Wild Bunch" with William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Ryan, Edmond O'Brien, Warren Oates, etc. Peckinpah's best film won instant notoriety for its "beautiful" bloodletting, but seems almost restrained among today's films. Aging outlaws with their own code of ethics find themselves passé in 1913 and decide to retire after one final haul. 1969. I am not a cowboy/western fan, but this movie had such an interesting review that we voted to watch it. It changed the way western movies were made after this was released; less graphic. Yes, it was a bloody good show.

Lights out: 11:45pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 24, 2010 4:51 AM.

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