Sunday 18 July 2010

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Awake: 5:52am    Temp 69     sleep 6+19    early rain, then sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

Casual morning for us; we were saving our energy for when we join the Jake & Lucy annual reunion at noon time today. My mother, Martha, & my Aunt Lucy were sisters; my Uncle Jake & my father, Freddy, were brothers. So are we 1st + 1st cousins or what?

I had (5) uncles & aunts in our neighborhood when growing up. We visited each other's homes many, many times. Here @ the Pavilion, a Hollywood star 1st greeted us upon our arrival, my 1st cousin Lucille; she is not Mexican. DSC09746.JPG
Next, we had to pass thru the security guards before lining up for the homemade covered dish luncheon. DSC09747.JPG How many Kirsches attend this reunion each year? This is (1) row of tables out of (3) & they just keep on multiplying. DSC09749.JPG Besides the delicious covered dishes & dessert, some of the talented wine makers displayed their wares with exuberance. DSC09753.JPG Timing is everything: before clicking this photo, I had asked these fellows to: "show me your teeth!" DSC09750.JPG There were games for the young people, like breaking the PiƱata, plus a train ride & hay ride from the park, etc & a Chinese auction for all ages, plus the bean bag horseshoe pitching. Kathy bought a few chances at the Chinese auction & won Tim's homemade bird house, DSC09781.JPG & by golly, she won another prize: A holiday basket filled with all sorts of goodies.

We were at the pavilion for a good (5) hrs, mostly catching up with my 1st cousins & 2nd cousins, & down the line.

After saying our goodbyes to the people who drove long distances, we motored to Ebensburg for needed groceries from Wal-Mart & West End Market.

Lights out: 11:56pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 22, 2010 9:40 AM.

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