Monday 19 July 2010

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Awake: 5:13am    Temp 67    sleep 5+12    early rain (7:00am) overnight @ Nicktown.

Debbie, Kathy & I exercised for (1.6) hrs after our KK meeting. Following that, K & I picked blueberries for over an hr; then had brunch. Next Kathy did (2) loads of laundry.

Mid afternoon, Chuck visited & gave us some delicious onions, peppers & cucumbers fresh from his garden. We thanked him profusely. 

@ 6:00pm, we visited Bernie just outside of Nicktown; he gave us a tour of their home, which was very, very nice & then we spent about (2) hrs in their basement scrutinizing our house plans, asking & answering questions. Bernie has been a big help in tutoring us on how to read the architect's diagrams correctly.  

Late dinner: leftover ratatouille, pasta, Bing cherries, bread & tomato slices.

Lights out: 12:10am.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 24, 2010 12:08 PM.

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