Monday 26 April 2010

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Awake: 6:25am      Temp 55      sleep 6+14       light rain      overnight @ M & J Farm.

This morning, we joined Mark & Joan & some of Joan's siblings & friends at the 8:00am Mass @ St. Clement in Navarre, in honor of Joan's father's death (1) yr ago. He was quite a guy who lived to be 97.5 yrs of age. 

Afterwards, we all met @ the restaurant: "Menches Brothers of Massillon" for breakfast. Menches is famous for developing popcorn as well as claiming the invention of the hamburger circa 1885 and the ice cream cone. Photo of some of Joan's siblings, spouses, granddaughter & friends. From left to right: granddaughter of Bill & Tessa, Bill, Kathy, Paul, Elaine, Margie, Joan, Mark, Barbara, Ted, & Tessa. DSC09256.JPG It was a great rendezvous for me as I haven't seen some of these folks for a few decades.So..we had a lot to catch up on. We said our goodbyes to Joan's siblings & spouses & continued riding with Joan & Mark to do some light grocery shopping @ Marc's in Canton & next door, the ALDI store.

Late afternoon, dinner with Mark & Joan in their home: Joan's delicious homemade Chili with oyster crackers, lettuce, mixed salad & ice cream.

After dinner, a surprise phone call from the Pentagon; their daughter Molly has been working there for about (2) yrs now. We discussed aviation, condo plumbing repair, & life in general. It was a nice & unexpected phone call. Molly is looking forward to flying the new P-3 Naval replacement aircraft later this yr.

After Molly's call, Mark had to attend a Knights of Columbus meeting so Joan visited us in our coach to watch some of the political channels. When Mark returned from his meeting, he also watched some of the political stuff.

Earlier this evening, Mark's sister Judy, returned my I returned her response; Judy invited Kathy & me for lunch on Thursday.

Even later this evening, Katrina called & we talked for (48) min. She's been taking a rock climbing course & is looking forward to practicing her new skills outside. She joined and is enjoying playing on an Ultimate Frisbee league. She is still enjoying her new bedroom wall color & has not yet found the water shut off valve.

Lights out: 11:38pm.

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I don't know if you do post-corrections/additions to your journal's entries but if you do, here are two minor ones for this day's entries.
1) Joan's father (Henry) died one (1) year ago, not 2.
2) He lived to be over 97 years of age (97.5)

Just a clarification point on the P-3 aircraft in this day's entry. The aircraft she awaits is the P-3 replacement. (She has flown the P-3 for nearly ten years now. The P-3 is soon to be retired from the Naval inventory. The new aircraft has a new designation but I do not know what it is. It is a Boeing 737 airframe that is heavily modified for the patrol mission and platform.

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