Sunday 25 April 2010

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Awake: 6:27am       Temp 58      sleep 6+36      early rain, later partly      sunny      overnight @ the Mark & Joan farm in our motorhome.

K & I rode with M & J to 8:00 am Mass @ St. Clement Catholic Church. Afterwards, we motored with M & J to the Massillon Knights of Columbus for breakfast with friends.

Here I learned an important lesson; if the guys want to have a lot of fun & laugh a lot, have the ladies sit @ a round table far enough away so they can't easily hear you. And have the guys sit @ a square table closer to the door in the event the ladies do hear us. From left to right: Dorothy, Mary Jo, Shirley, Joan & Kathy DSC09253.JPG The breakfast was good but these fun guys that Mark hangs around with are very good; I haven't laughed that much in a long time. From left to right: Mark, Paul, Chuck, Joe, Ernie, & me. DSC09254.JPG After our (2+) hrs of breakfast & top notch amusement, M & J motored to Canton & Joan did some grocery shopping @ Fishers Grocery.

K & I were invited for dinner @ the farm table for Joan's special Chicken Papricash (Hungarian) with mashed potatoes, asparagus, homemade applesauce & homemade bread.

Tonight's DVD movie: "Star of Bethlehem". Very interesting but most of the time, over our heads. Some talk afterward & then M & J returned to their home for the night.

Lights out: 12:11am. 

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 1, 2010 2:18 PM.

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