Tuesday 27 April 2010

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Awake: 6:32am      Temp 40      sleep 6+54      sunny       overnight in Mark & Joan's driveway.

The 1st thing that got my attention this morning was the white stuff on the lawn: Snow? It wasn't cold enough to be snow. That white stuff was petals from the Flowering Crab Apple tree. DSC09259.JPG K & I were invited to join Mark & Joan for 8:00am Mass &, afterwards, to have coffee with the Rev. Edward L. Beneleit & some of Mark & Joan's buddies. We of course, were all for this.

After Mass, Father informed us he couldn't get together with us this morning, due to his obligation to say a funeral Mass at a nearby parish. So, the rest of us drove less than a mile & had our coffee & muffins @ Anderson's Soap & Candle - Coffee Shop in Navarre. Besides the (4) of us, Paul & Diane + Ernie & Shirley joined with us. As usual, once again, we guys had an entertaining fun time...in spite of our table being connected to the ladies table.

Next, Mark invited me to attend a Brown Bag Lunch Series @ the Massillon Museum @ noontime. The topic: "The Greek Community in Stark County."

Mark suggested we get there early to eat first, & then enjoy the talk. The meal selections were all too much for me to eat alone, so I proposed to Mark that we share a spinach, Craisin, pecan salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Mark later admitted that we definitely did the right thing.

Speaker Bill did a great job of introducing why & how so many Greeks came & settled in Stark County, Ohio. DSC09264.JPG Bill & his wife also published a book & were selling this today. DSC09267.JPG After the book selling settled down, Mark led me upstairs to the 2nd floor to see the miniature circus that a long standing dentist designed & built &, just recently, donated all of it to the Massillon Museum. DSC09271.JPG At 5:00pm, K & I motored across town to join cousin Michelle & her husband Roger + cousin Betty Ann for dinner at Grinders restaurant.

Roger has had an uncomfortable winter; tore a muscle in his stump & had to have it surgically repaired. This led to (3) months in a wheel chair. Then he & Michelle both got the flu & just recently he developed painful cellulites in his good leg, necessitating medical care & the use of a walker to get around. He seems to be getting better, but has an appointment at the pain management clinic.

Betty Ann keeps herself busy with friends & church activities. She also has had her problems. She has had glaucoma for a number of years, but now has a cataract which is causing visual blurring & headaches. She has an appointment with an eye doctor next week.

Michelle, her sister, Kathy, & their brother, Mike, are all children of my Aunt Bertha.

Kathy & I shared a mahi-mahi fish dinner with asparagus & rice.

We had a good time doing a little reminiscing & telling stories about our respective RVing...as of a few years ago, Michelle & Roger were going south for the winters. DSC09273.JPG En route to our coach, we visited the nearby Wal-Mart for some milk & cereal. We watched some of our recorded political programs.

Lights out: 12:33am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 3, 2010 11:49 AM.

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