Saturday 17 October 2009

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Awake: 5:44am Temp 46 sleep 5+19 mostly overcast overnight @ Newell
Campsite, Miami, Oklahoma.

Kathy made a trip to the nearby Wal-Mart & a few other stores late morning. During her absence, Katrina called from Denver; she is planning on having a few people over to her condo for dinner tonight & would like to have Mom's chili recipe. "But Dad, could you have Mom e-mail the recipe this afternoon because I will be motorcycling with my friend." "I'll make a note," I tell her & "do have a good ride & be safe daughter."

We both did some e-mail catch up writing this afternoon.

Then K & I attended the vigil Mass @ the Sacred Heart Catholic church about a mile down the road.

Dinner: Chili with elbow macaroni & Doritos corn chips

Evening movie: "Jailhouse Rock" with Elvis Presley, Judy Tyler, Vaughn Taylor, Dean Jones, etc. Elvis learns to pick a guitar in the Big House, later becomes a surly rock star. Presley's best film captures the legend in all his nostril-flaring, pre-Army glory. 1957. Elvis's best film? Well, it was....hmmm, just ok.

Lights out: 11:51pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 21, 2009 12:35 AM.

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