Friday 16 October 2009

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Awake: 6:39an Temp 45 sleep 7+15 sunny overnight @ Miami, OK.

Mid morning, Katrina called; we discussed her plans for going to Mexico with a girlfriend during fall break; will she be in Denver when we travel thru there? Her plans are committed so I suppose it really depends on our timing.

Meanwhile, watching from our window, the fellow (2) spaces away appeared to be getting ready to abandon campsite # 1, the première full hookup site. Sure enough, his motorhome roared out & headed for the hookup circle & stopped. Out the door I went! I remember Bill but not too sure that he remembers me.....from our Key West Rally in Florida, October, 2003. We talked briefly & he confirmed that, yes, the chosen site is now available. Like a silver flash, I have our Suzuki in that site pronto...blocking it from anyone else.

(20) min later, we are most comfortable with what Kathy had planned to do today: (5) loads of laundry. That saves us having to retract our slides, drive over to the dump station & dispose of the gray water, maybe twice today & return to our original site. Now, being on the chosen site, when our gray water tank is full, I can simply run our dump hose out to the dump station & hit the switch.

Before dinner, Nick Skyped us for (38) min; it was nice seeing them on the computer screen again.

Dinner: Italian tuna casserole.

Evening movie: "Carbine Williams" with James Stewart, Jean Hagen, Wendell Corey, Paul Stewart, James Arness. Sturdy history of the inventor of famed rifle, his problems with the law, and his simple family life.

The film follows the life of David Marshall Williams (Stewart), who invented the semi-automatic M1 Carbine used in World War II. Williams was found distilling illegal moonshine, and was held responsible for the death of a federal officer during a raid on his still.

He was sentenced to thirty years hard labor. He cycled through the prison system, until a firm, but compassionate warden, H.T. Peoples (Wendell Corey) allowed him to work in a prison tool shop. There he invented the gas system for his famous rifle, and eventually was released from prison in 1929 and worked with Winchester Firearms on development of the M1 Carbine. 1952. We both enjoyed learning about this fellow & his true life story.

Lights out: 12:25am.

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