Sunday 18 October 2009

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Awake: 6:04am Temp 37 sleep 6+13 cold - windy overnight @ Newell campsite.

Kathy made sourdough pancakes with all the trimmings for our breakfast. Those pancakes gave me such renewed energy, I couldn't wait to go outside & start cleaning our motorhome; even though being outside, meant cold & windy.

Kathy on the other hand, couldn't just sit around & watch me shiver, shake & breathe warm vapors....she washed the dishes, vacuumed, washed the windows inside, & did general house cleaning.

(3.5) hrs later, our coach looked a lot better than when we 1st arrived. Kathy did join in the fun for a good (45) min after all.
Then for some more cardio exercise, we walked around the neighborhood for (45) min.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken breast, spinach salad & some yams.

Evening movie: "Three Strangers" with Sydney Greenstreet, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Peter Lorre, Joan Lorring, etc. Greenstreet and Lorre team up with Fitzgerald as partners holding winning sweepstakes ticket under unusual circumstances. 1946. Different, unusual, but still entertaining.

Lights out: 11:03pm.

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