Wednesday 15 July 2009

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Awake: 6:05am Temp 52 sleep 6+21 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Our world traveler Katrina called from Denver; she gave us a random account of her travels in the countries of: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, & Iceland; spending time in Stockholm, Malmo, Copenhagen, Oslo, Tromso, Bergen, Stavanger etc. After those (2) weeks, Katrina returned home to Denver, & within (4) days, re-packed & flew to Costa Rica for a volunteer work week. We both had to cut our phone talk a little short as we both had commitments coming up soon.

I dropped Kathy off @ the church hall to help bag the noodles they made yesterday & then motored to Barnesboro to pick up the yucky stuff one has to drink before having a colonoscopy. Yes, my (9) yrs are up & I am due for a routine check.

En route to Nicktown, I visited Strollo's in Spangler & ordered (3) outdoor halogen lights & (1) transformer for the project Al & I are working on.... & also visited Al for a short time to give him that info.

We called Gary & Rosemary & wished them a Happy Anniversary & a Happy Birthday to Rosemary; both occasions occur tomorrow.

Dinner: leftover stuffed pepper with whole grain bread.

K & I attended the Catechism forum @ the social room for (1.3) hrs. (11) total in attendance. We had some very interesting discussions on Baptism, Limbo, & more.

Melissa called late to discuss our possible visit on Sat.

No movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:54pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 20, 2009 12:43 AM.

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