Tuesday 14 July 2009

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Awake: 6:12am Temp 47 sleep 6+18 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy helped make noodles @ the church hall for (3.5) hrs.

After my breakfast, John B. visited & brought a new sparkplug for the small Honda bike; the time has come to get that engine running. Gas tank & seat bolted down, fuel hose connected, & fresh gasoline in tank; after a little choking & over a dozen cranks, the engine sputtered, coughed & then, purred like a young kitten. We were both delighted that the carburetor didn't need any overhaul. John took the Honda for a short ride & then I took a longer ride.

Thanks to John B. for his mechanical expertise; the engine has a lot of pep & is running very good. Donna should be well pleased. I'll keep this bike for a few more days & make a thorough inspection before returning it to its former owner.

Dinner: chicken/noodle soup with multi-grain bread.

After dinner, I attended the Holy Name meeting @ the church hall with about (13-14) other members.

Lights out: 11:44pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 16, 2009 6:59 PM.

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