Sunday 26 July 2009

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Awake: 8:02am Temp 65 sleep 7+53 cloudy waves of rain overnight @ Nicktown.

Our distinguished guests, Gary & Grace from eastern PA, arrived in style, shortly after noontime, driving their 1958 Chevy Impala looking like it just drove out of a showroom. Gary mentioned that this car has not seen rain for over (40) yrs....until today.

We had a lot to catch up on as they have been active & we have been active; we are all retired you know & this lifestyle keeps one very busy. After we gabbed for a few hrs inside our home-on-wheels, we venture outdoors. While Gary & I looked over his 58 Chevy, the girls walked down to the blueberry territory & did some eating & picking. Later, Gary & I did the same.

Before dinner, we sat outdoors & had a wine & cheese snack time with more fun talk.


Dinner: Spaghetti with Italian sausage, mixed salad, Italian garlic bread &, for dessert, cheese cake with fresh blueberries.

After a late dinner, Grace & Gary headed for the City Hotel in Barnesboro for the night. We plan on joining them in Barnesboro for breakfast tomorrow @ 9:30.

Late evening: Zack texted from Seattle; he wanted to know if this time frame would be good for Skype. I had to tell Zack that Kathy was sound asleep in bed & asked him if I should wake her up. He said: "No, I'll Skype tomorrow night if you guys are available." I'll make sure we will be accessible.

Lights out: 12:16am ....with another wave of heavy downpour.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 29, 2009 7:12 PM.

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