Saturday 25 July 2009

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Awake: 6:21am Temp 59 sleep 5+48 cloudy rain mid afternoon Nicktown.

Mid morning, Kathy is preparing a meal in advance for tomorrow, but needs (2) cans of tomato paste I motor to Barnesboro, fill the Suzuki with fuel @ Sheetz, buy the tomato paste @ Giant Eagle, make a stop @ Strollo True Value store for a transformer, wire & (3) outdoor lights, & then return to Nicktown.

It's been (19) days since we've mowed our yard; fortunately the day starts out sunny & we have the use of Chuck's wheelbarrow. We can get (2) bag loads of grass into his wheelbarrow which cuts our grass loads to the woods by 50%.

We start @ noontime & finish @ 3:30; Chuck did us a favor & mowed the ally, so we barely finished in time to miss the heavy downpour mid afternoon.

K & I attend vigil Mass carrying our umbrellas.

Dinner: small filet steak with 4-bean salad & broccoli.

Evening movie: "Best in Show" with Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Michael McKean, Parker Posey, etc. Small-scale but entertaining, where various characters who enter their pets in a prestigious dog show. Largely improvised comedy (officially written by Guest & Levy) offers a lot of laughs, especially for fans of the filmmakers & casts. 2000. This short film was hysterical & truly fun to watch; just remember, laughing is the best medicine.

Lights out: 12:09am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 29, 2009 6:47 PM.

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