Friday 24 July 2009

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Awake: 6:16am Temp 61 sleep 6+34 partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Last week when we drove to Lilly, my sister Corinne was in the basement defrosting their refrigerator & surprised to see us. This week, when we arrived, Corinne was sitting on their back porch awaiting our arrival; yes, this time we got it right.

Corinne drove us in her Toyota to our Nephew's home near Broad Top, PA (1.5) hr drive from Nicktown. The drive to my Nephew's place was absolutely beautiful; going up & down the Appalachian Mountains & seeing so many healthy farm lands was comforting to me. I had never traveled in this area before.

We were met @ the door by Tucker, a friendly dog, & his master, Eric. Eric, his wife Emily & their (3) boys Jacob, Joseph & Maxwell, have been living in this house for (5) yrs now & they love it. "It's a great place to raise children" Eric told me. Just watching the boys' nod their heads in agreement, tells me they enjoy the wide open space they have. Also visiting Eric, Emily & the boys @ this time were Elizabeth & her younger sister, Emily's nieces from Barnesboro. They told us they also love coming here every summer.

Emily was having a huge garage sale this weekend & we were impressed with the variety of things she had for sale. Both Corinne & Kathy couldn't resist selecting a few things of interest. As a matter of fact, during our visit, a thunderstorm with heavy rain rolled over the Appalachian Mountains & we all helped cover & close up the tents moments before the heavy rain began.

Even though we insisted we were not hungry, Emily had prepared a light lunch of egg salad, spinach dip, raw carrots & celery sticks, fresh strawberries & watermelon, chips & we ate. She also made delicious brownies which were served hot, out of the oven.

We spent about (2.5) hrs visiting; long enough to have some good conversations with the boys, & the Emily & Eric. I took a few photos of everyone & when riding down their lane, a picture of their beautiful house on the hill.


In Lilly, we thanked Corinne for the opportunity to visit Eric & his family; it was her idea. We sat on her back porch & visited with her & Jane for a while before wishing her a bon voyage for her upcoming trip to California & Washington starting on Sunday.

En route to Nicktown, we stopped in Carrolltown & ate some ethnic food plus a chocolate ice cream cone @ their picnic.

Lights out: 12:33am

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