Monday 27 July 2009

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Awake: 6:08am Temp 62 sleep 5+52 partly cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

We motored to Barnesboro & found Grace & Gary as they were checking out of the City Hotel. Both G & G told us they slept well & enjoyed staying @ the City Hotel, but they felt it was a bit pricey.

Next we (4) walked over to Erma Jeans Restaurant on Philadelphia Ave & had breakfast. Among the many topics of conversation during our breakfast, Gary brought up the subject of their speedometer on the 1958 Chevy Impala; he felt it might be reading too fast. We agreed to pick a highway after breakfast that I will lead & use hand signals to compare speeds: 30, 40, & 50 mph.

Sure enough, Gary's speedometer was reading an average of (5) mph faster. Then we said our goodbyes for now, wished them a comfortable & safe return & let them know that we really enjoyed their visit.

From here we returned to Barnesboro where we visited a fellow who will bend an exhaust pipe for my ole Riviera; he will let me know when I should bring the car to his shop for repair.

Dinner: Tuna steak, brown rice with golden raisins, mixed salad & Bing Cherries.

About 9:00pm & getting dark, I met my neighbor, Al, @ the "Our Lady of Fatima Shrine" to test the brightness of (1) halogen bulb lighting up the shrine; we are planning on (3) so if (1) does a fair job, (3) might be better.

Late evening, Zack & Katie Skyped us for (33) min. telling us of their trip to Orcas IS & their recent engagement. They were deliriously happy; we have never seen such a BIG smile on Katie's face!

Lights out: 12:36am

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