Sunday 31 May 2009

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Awake: 6:44am Temp 51 sleep 5+59 sunny, windy overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Mid morning, I made a deal with Kathy: "I'll mow all the grass, save for the alley, if you will do the dinner dishes tonight." She really does want to go halves on the grass mowing, but I know her leg is bothering her, so to ease the pain & her to speak, she agrees to my bighearted offer.

(3 hrs & 45 min) later, I am finished. Then I spent some time back-flushing our water pump filters.

For yrs, I have rarely taken a nap during the day....but after that brutal mowing & empting the grass catcher, I was having trouble keeping my eyes open while watching the Sunday ABC news. When Kathy mentioned that she gets tired when I do the work & suggested she might take a nap, I thought to myself, why not me too. And so, (40) min later, we both felt a lot livelier.

Dinner: ham with pineapple, sweet potatoes, broccoli, & salad.

Evening movie: "The Yearling" with Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarman, Jr., Chill Wills, Margaret Wycherly, etc. Marjorie Kinnan Rawling's sensitive tale of a boy attached to a young deer was exquisitely filmed in Technicolor on location in Florida, with memorable performances. 1946. A good story, especially for family viewing; however, stay alert as this narrative is v-e-r-y s-l-o-w!

Lights out: 12:19am

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