Monday 1 June 2009

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Awake: 5:55am Temp 41 sleep 5+36 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After brunch, K & I motored to Barnesboro & returned library books, made a bank deposit & bought a small lithium battery. Next, we motored to Ebensburg; en route we stopped @ Hite Stone supply & loaded the Suzuki up with (380) lbs of gravel. Then we casually did our grocery shopping @ Wal-Mart.

Back @ our motorhome, I dumped the gravel onto sections of our circular drive, then checked our land-line phone status; still no dial tone. This is our 3rd day without phone service & a poor, mostly unusable, DSL connection. We sure are looking forward to having good communications again.

Our forwarded mail arrived from Alaska today; the remainder of our afternoon was mostly consumed by going thru our mail.

Dinner: leftover bacon burger with blue cheese & mushroom sauce, tilapia fish, asparagus, leftover spinach rice & spinach salad with sliced fresh strawberries.

Evening movie: "Glory." We watch ½.

Lights out: 12:11am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 4, 2009 12:46 PM.

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