Saturday 20 June 2009

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 65 sleep 6+11 heavy rain early morn....intermittent rain
throughout the day overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Katrina, who is touring Sweden with a friend, sent an e-card for Father's Day. So far, she has visited the cities of: Stockholm, Malmo, Copenhagen, Oslo & Tromso, where she was on her last writing. She is especially enjoying Tromso.

Gary C. called; he suggests hauling 2-b gravel to our circular drive using his truck in lieu of our Suzuki; great idea Gary!

Mid afternoon, our electricity went out; no phone, no DSL, etc. However, our motorhome switches instantaneously to our battery bank back-up source &, sometimes, we don't realize that the commercial electrical power system has dropped off.

Not knowing how long the Pen-electric power might be down, I decided to run our 20KW generator in lieu of using battery bank power; I need to run that generator every so often anyway. The Pen-electric power was off for some 45 to 50 min.

Late afternoon, Kathy began popping popcorn using our Stir-Crazy popcorn popper. After the 2nd batch, the Stir-Crazy popper ceased to get hot enough to pop the popcorn. I've been nursing this popcorn popper for over (10) yrs now, mostly changing a heat sensor every now & then to keep it operating. So I figured it simply needed another replacement sensor. Oops, this time it's a little more serious & I don't have enough time today to dig further into this problem. 

K & I attended the 6:00 pm vigil Mass & afterward had Maximus & Diana follow us back to our motorhome for wine, pizza, popcorn & a movie tonight.

Evening movie with guests Diana & Maximus: "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeeman. You only live once, so why not go out in style? That's what (2) cancer-ward roommates, an irascible billionaire (Jack Nicholson) & a scholarly mechanic (Morgan Freeman), decide when they get the bad news. They compose a bucket list...things to do before you kick the bucket...& head off for the around-the-world adventure of their lives. Sky dive? Check. Power a Shelby Mustang around a racetrack? Check. Gaze at the Great Pyramid of Khufu? Check. Discover the joy in their lives before it's too late? Check. 2007. Plan ahead; you don't want to miss this one.

Lights out: 12:17am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 21, 2009 4:42 PM.

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