Sunday 21 June 2009

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Awake: 7:17am Temp 62 sleep 7+00 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

For Father's Day, Kathy made one of my favorite breakfast treats: Eggs Benedict & was it ever good!

Nick called from Seattle; he & I exchanged Father's Day wishes & then K & I talked with Nick for over an hr.

Early afternoon, K & I motored to Ebensburg for grocery shopping @ the West End Market & Wal-Mart.

Back @ our motorhome, while Kathy prepared a dinner for tonight as well as tomorrow night, I gathered another pan of good sized wild strawberries in our backyard.

Dick C. called from Cherry Hill RV Park in D.C. We talked about a rendezvous plan in the making for the near future.

Zack called from Seattle with Father's Day wishes & then Kathy joined in the conversation.

Dinner: leftover crab cakes with asparagus & brown rice.

Evening movie: "The Male Animal" with Henry Fonda, Olivia de Havilland, Joan Leslie, Jack Carson, etc. Intelligent, entertaining Elliott Nugent-James Thurber comedy of college professor Fonda defending his rights; while losing wife de Havilland to old flame Carson. 1942. Kathy was not too impressed with this story; it sort of fell apart toward the end.

Lights out: 11:57pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 25, 2009 5:01 PM.

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