Monday 8 June 2009

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Awake: 5:29am Temp 59 sleep 5+52 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After breakfast, K & I motored to the Foote Castle to return the (4) plants that we've been caring for (2) weeks now. Being a plant advocate, Kathy realized from the start that (3) of the (4) plants needed to be re-planted in larger pots & thus the hunt for flower pots.

During our time @ the Foote Castle today, that project took a mere (15) min....but wait, there's more: since the Foots have been out of town for (2) weeks, no one has cut their grass or weeded their strawberry patch or trimmed the low hanging branches. Well maybe we should do them a small favor since we have the day off!

Their lawnmower is the simple push type; no engine....just push. With high grass, this process of mowing would probably take hrs, if not days. Their back yard is rather large; plus there is a side & front yard. Kathy tested this "just push type" modus operandi & agreed that another method ought to be found. "How about a weed-whacker" I ask her?

The next (3.5) hrs was devoted to me weed-whacking. Raking, bagging grass, sweeping the sidewalks, weeding, & trimming branches were enthusiastically taken over by Kathy. We couldn't believe how much work was involved in this cut-off method that we thought should be so easy. We couldn't quite finish, leaving the strip of grass next to the street uncut. We both just ran out of steam & decided to quit & take showers at the Footes while we could still move. Anyway, we hope they will be pleased, regardless of our limitations.

Back @ our motorhome, Josie called to inform us that our nephew, Eric, had been admitted to Altoona hospital through the ER. There seems to be some confusion as to what happened; a seizure, a minor heart attack, a slight stroke? Corinne called later to say she had visited Eric in the hospital, but really couldn't give us any more definitive info. Another call from Josie added a bit more info, but still nothing conclusive.

When Corinne called, we also discussed the movie she has selected for this week's viewing @ their Lilly Pad where Don & Josie & we will be her guests.

Evening movie: "Bombardier." We watch ½. My partner was pretty tired so I thought she might fail her Norden Bombsight test if we continued.

Lights out: 11:53pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 10, 2009 10:00 PM.

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