Tuesday 9 June 2009

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Awake: 6:54am Temp 64 sleep 7+01 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

I drove Kathy to the church hall for more noodle making.

After my breakfast, I read some more of the Air & Space Magazine. Then I picked a cup of wild strawberries on our property.

Kathy returned from noodle making around 12:45pm.

After some computer usage & more magazine reading, K & I took a walk around town & stretched our legs.

Dinner: pasta with peas & Ricotta cheese + spinach salad with sliced strawberries.

We finished watching: "Bombardier" with Pat O'Brien, Randolph Scott, Anne Shirley, Eddie Albert, Walter Reed, etc. Familiar framework of fliers being trained during WW2 comes off well with fast-moving script. 1943. Quite interesting; similar to a documentary.

Lights out: 11:41pm.

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