Monday 1 September 2008

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Awake: 6:58am Temp 57 sleep 7+34 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I have our coffee & then wait for our distinguished visitor to arrive. Promptly @ 8:00am, Scott drives into our driveway. Nearly (3) hrs go by quickly as we feed Scott, (our architect), drawings, ideas, notes, pictures & lists of everything we could possibly think of in creating our new home “without wheels.” Scott was very perceptive & quite tuned in to planning our abode to our satisfaction.

After Scott leaves, I call the Dillweed B & B in Dilltown & leave a message for Mark & Joan that we are finished talking with our architect; about (20) min later, Mark calls to let us know that they are on their way.
Meanwhile, Kathy has been busy…busy making lunch for the (4) of us.

When M & J arrive @ 12:25 pm at our motorhome, they tell us about riding the Dillweed free bikes on the Ghost Town Trail & the surprise they had when meeting up with the Foote Family along the way. Mark took (2) charming pictures of the Footes astride their bikes, dressed in their bikers garb.

Lunch: tuna salad on spinach with tomato garnish, Triscuits & rice cakes and the other half of Joan’s birthday pie for dessert.

We discuss our time with Scott & some distinct features we would like to have in our home without wheels; plus other subjects of interest.

Then, we say our goodbyes & bon voyage to Joan & Mark with “thanks” for making this weekend special by their visit with us in our small village of Nicktown.

Watch the int’l news, then Jeopardy…. & later, the O’Reilly Factor.

We finish DVR movie: “The Naked City” with Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff, Don Taylor, Dorothy Hart, etc. Time (and decades of TV cop shows) have dulled the edge of this once-trendsetting crime drama, produced by columnist Mark Hellinger on the streets of N.Y.C. following the investigation of a murder case step by step. Fitzgerald is still first-rate. 1948. Fortunately, Kathy loves her crime…murder & solving the mystery of the guilty one; otherwise we could be watching this thriller for another (3) nights.

Lights out: 11:54pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 8, 2008 4:26 AM.

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