Tuesday 2 September 2008

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Awake: 5:58am Temp 56 sleep 6:04 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK afterward.

Mid morning, I use my computer time while Kathy watches her favorite TV shows.
Later we get serious & discuss some more ideas that we forgot to mention to Scott on house plans. With agreement, I e-mail Scott & expose those almost forgotten ideas.

Mid afternoon, I replace (2) water filters in the pump house & (2) water filters on our portable filter unit.

Zack calls from Seattle: he has a few questions relating to his Camry & I had a few answers. As always, we hope that our replies are just a little better than “satisfactory.”

Dinner: Italian sausage over marinara sauce, pasta, corn on the cob & fruit salad.,

My bro Don calls: during the Nicktown Homecoming picnic on Sunday & in the noisy beer tent, Don suggested that our honorable group of beer drinkers get together on Wednesday evening for a re-cap of the old days, study the current, & have an eye toward future days. He would like me to notify: Bill, Cyril, & Tony…about our gathering tomorrow night @ the Nicktown Hotel for 8:00pm. “I can do that” I told my brother. I also remind him that I am not a beer drinker; “that’s ok” he says.

I left a message for Bill on his recorder, but Cyril & Tony…no answer. Maybe I have the wrong #? I call my brother back & relate my dilemma. Late evening, Don has no luck as well & suggests I motor to Kirschtown tomorrow to verbally give them the message. This is serious planning & I don’t want to foul up the system.

Melissa calls late evening; general chit chat was nice to hear; usually Melissa has little time for this sort of thing. No movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:51pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 8, 2008 4:43 AM.

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