Sunday 31 August 2008

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Awake: 6:50am Temp 57 sleep 6+59 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

The Foote Family arrived 1st, then Gary & Rosemary, next Corinne &. lastly, Joan & Mark. I applaud J & M for being on time, as they were served a full hot breakfast @ the B & B in Dill Town @ 9:00am & still made our 10:30am rendezvous.

Next, we (10) walk to the church hall & get in line for dinner; already the line is wrapped around the pavilion & getting close to hill climbing. About (15) min zip by & we are joined by bro Don & Josie; all totaled we spent (1hr, 10 min) before giving our status: (12) & (2) highchairs, to the doorman at the entrance of the dining hall .

The chicken noodle soup & mashed potatoes, coleslaw, green beans, zucchini, tomatoes, chicken & gravy & the dessert choice of many pies….was very, very good. We found out later in the day that (1716) meals were served; that’s not a record but it too, was very, very good.

When exiting the dining room, the meal line was now up the hill & reaching for the road; that’s a long line! Gary & Rosemary took a few chances on the theme baskets filled with goodies & then had another fund raising activity in Patton to attend.

Throughout the afternoon & evening, we see & talk with a lot of people, young & old alike, who we haven’t seen since a year ago or many yrs ago. Mark & Joan fit in nicely with the crowd as if they were locals. Kathy spent some time with the Foote boys in the kids’ Funland area and at a couple other game booths.

The beer tent was very crowded & noisy from early afternoon on into the evening. I’m not a beer drinker per se, but I did my share of listening & talking amongst the best.

This annual event truly is: a Homecoming Festival. K & I left the picnic grounds @ 7:45p.

Back @ our bus, K & I casually discuss the day’s activities & people we spent time with. Also, how nice it was of Mother Nature to treat us with such good weather.

The 9:05pm fireworks were easily seen through our living room window & trees. Oh, what a day!

We watch another (30) min of “Naked City” before someone is caught not paying attention.
Lights out: 11:19pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 6, 2008 8:49 PM.

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