Thursday 7 August 2008

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Awake: 6:04am Temp 62 sleep 6+31 rain…then partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass; Father John Paul officiated the Mass this morning & announced both his birthday & mine before he started his homily. That was very nice of him & a 1st time experience for me. I have never had so many “Happy Birthday” wishes in my life as I did today….mostly due to that (5) sec disclosure.

Outside the church, my 1st cousin Florentz got my attention & told me he had a birthday present & handed over a box. Inside was an old looking pocket watch; he said: “your dad gave this to me a few yrs before he died & now I want you to have it.” I was touched! Florentz & my dad were very close.

Both Father John Paul & I were given the royal treatment @ the KK meeting this morning. They sang the song & (3) different desserts were served plus a card signed by nearly all members. I was humbled once again.

Back @ our motorhome, both our cell phone & landline phone had “Happy Birthday” wishes from Katrina in Denver. Then on our e-mail, an electronic card with music sent from my buddy, Mark, in Ohio.

Today is Rotary & my turn to drive; I pick up Al @ 11:20am & make (2) stops before arriving @ our Rotary room. During our meeting, Zack calls on the cell phone; I step outside so as not to disturb our members & gladly accept more “Happy Birthday” wishes.
I was talking to Joe after the meeting & asked him about his age; turns out he’s the same age by a few months. Without realizing it, my birth date was exposed with more wishes. Al & I returned to Nicktown by 2:20pm.

Kathy spent a good deal of time this afternoon preparing a superb dinner meal for a couple of very happy birthday guys.

Dinner: African Beef Curry with rice, salad, & bread and wine.

After dinner, my sister, Mary Jo, called from Lodi, CA with “Happy Birthday” wishes.

Nick called from Seattle with “Happy Birthday” wishes.

Katrina called again & personally gives those “Happy Birthday” wishes.

Late evening & another very busy day for Mother Melissa; she squeezes the time to also give those “Happy Birthday” wishes.

Honestly, over the years, I’ve tried my best to downplay my birthday day; but it seems that the more one tries to hide it, the more it becomes an open book….as it did today.

Father John Paul, as he refers to himself, is a “baby priest,” having been ordained in Nigeria, Africa, only 3 years ago, the day before his (25th) birthday. He studied for 4 years at St Vincent’s Abbey before being ordained & thus knew Fr. Job. Upon Fr Job’s letter of invitation, Fr. John Paul is “vacationing” in Nicktown until the end of Sept; he’ll then return to Nigeria where he teaches theology in the major seminary. He is an interesting guy to talk with, smart, humble, & with a good sense of humor; we enjoyed his company very much. He left a little after 10:00pm.

No movie tonight. Lights out: 12:08am

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