Wednesday 6 August 2008

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Awake: 6:18am Temp 67 sleep 7+01 heavy rain before 6:00am now overcast overnight @ Nicktown.

If I woke up @ 6:18, how could I have known when the rain started you query? I thought you’d never ask! Kathy was awake & told me later.

After coffee, Kathy walks to the community center to exercise; I decline exercising today; my ear hurts & I don’t feel very peppy. However, I do join her for the 8:30am KK meeting.

Early afternoon, I pick (41) blueberries from our one bush in the lower field.

Mid afternoon, I call & talk with Betty S. She’ll be (94) in September & she is the mother of Charlie, one of my good high school buddies. We talk for a good (30) minutes. She tells me Charlie will be coming in for our class reunion later this month.

Call & talk with Rochelle in Vancouver, WA. We’ve been e-mailing quite a bit lately & finally agreed to speak by phone to cover a lot of things that would have taken volumes to write about. I also had the pleasure of talking with her daughters, Monica & Maggie plus son, Donavon. Monica is our Godchild but we also enjoy the whole family & wish we were geographically closer.

We watch the int’l news & Jeopardy.

Dinner: leftover stuffed pepper, whole grain bread & cherries.

Watch the O’Reilly Factor & Bob Woodruff’s: Inside & out of China.

Lights out: 11:33pm

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