Friday 8 August 2008

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Awake: 6:32am Temp 54 sleep 6+24 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK meeting for (1.2) hrs. Would you believe, I am still getting “Happy Birthday” wishes? After our KK meeting, K & I exercise for (1.3) hrs.
Back in our motorhome & after breakfast, dark clouds moved in & those low clouds unleashed some “dogs & cats” plus small hail; outside temp dropped from 62 to 57. As quickly as this voracious wave came in, it passed on through.

Mid afternoon with sunshine, I try capturing some good pictures of our territorial Hummingbirds at the feeder. Fascinating birds they are; with a lot of chatter & chasing of those “illegals” away. Sometimes I fill our nectar feeder twice a day.

Even though I missed the Wednesday exercise, today’s workout went ok so maybe it’s time to do some house cleaning. Up on our roof, I use our telescoping brush & smaller brush to clean some dirty areas with soap & water. Working my way toward the front of the coach, I spot an active yellow jacket nest, virtually unseen when standing; luckily I was on my hands & knees. Whoa, I’ll clean no further today on the driver’s side of this roof.

Working my way down the passenger side toward the front cap, innocently I spray a strong force of water under the number one air conditioner to loosen up more dirt; quickly about (7) wasps come crawling out of the area dripping wet. Ever see a samurai warrior in heavy battle using a deadly brush! No battle scars this time but that episode ended my house cleaning for today.

Katrina calls: she is still getting the most out of her summer, hiking the mountains surrounding Denver, camping, & tomorrow she is going to run a half marathon followed by an overnight at a lake with one of her good friends.

We watch the Nat’l news during our dinner of: leftover swordfish, broccoli, rice, & fruit salad. Then watch Jeopardy & hrs of the spectacular Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing.

Lights out: 11:15pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 17, 2008 6:27 PM.

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