Wednesday 2 July 2008

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Awake: 6:28am Temp 53 sleep 6+40 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend the KK meeting for (1.4) hrs & then exercise for (1.6) hrs. After a quick trip to our coach & a change of clothes, we motor to the Foote Castle for a play day with our grandchildren.
Melissa suggests that we take Matthew & Andrew to the same park we went to last week while she takes Nathan grocery shopping @ Giant Eagle, then she’ll also join us @ the park.

The boys were having another good time checking out all the rides & climbing the structures until… influx of slightly older kids showed up with their teenage monitors & they, in a casual manner, overpowered the activities. Timing was ok however, as Melissa & Nathan arrived shortly thereafter & the boys had their snack time before returning to their castle. We say our goodbyes for now & return to our coach.

Next, we get the Snapper lawnmower out & Kathy makes a few pie shape cuts on the inner circle to test the grass, wet or dry. The wheelbarrow can hold (2) full bags of cut grass, then I wheel it to the forest & start my mulch pile. Unfortunately the grass was too wet for any more mowing tonight.

Katrina calls from a pullover spot on I-5 adjacent to San Francisco, CA. Her destination wish is Las Vegas, NV tonight but her GPS reads she’ll arrive after 2:00 am @ that’s too late for her. She’s looking for hotel ideas; by coincidence her GPS has her going the same route to Vegas that we did last December, so we recommend the town of Barstow, CA which is a town of many hotels. Her trip is going well & she is seeing many of her friends.

Dinner: broccoli, cauliflower, ham & beans; all leftovers.

DVR movie: “The Young Lions.” We watch (46) min.

Lights out: 11:48pm

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