Wednesday 14 May 2008

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Awake: 5:35am Temp 48 sleep 5+57 sunny, later rain overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend the 8:30 KK meeting; sparse attendance, thus we cut the meeting short. However, Carol S. stopped in for a short visit to give Kathy & me (7) wooden blocks & a good amount of sandpaper; we volunteered to help sand the metal sheets (outer wall) on the north side of the church hall so it can be primed & painted a beige color.

Then, K & I spend over (3.5) hrs total sanding time on the church hall outer wall; we took a lunch break, went back & continued until we were rained out for the day.

Back @ our motorhome, Kathy does (3) loads of laundry & we both take very hot showers.

An e-mail comes onto our computer screen: Rochelle of Vancouver, WA informs us that her mother, Shirley, has a brain aneurysm & is fighting for her life in the hospital; she is asking for prayers. I respond quickly letting her know Shirley is now on our prayer list.

Dinner: leftover chicken cacciatore, lamb chop, cauliflower, whole wheat pasta & a spinach salad.

We finish watching: “The Country Girl” with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, William Holden & Anthony Ross. Kelly won Oscar as wife of alcoholic singer (Crosby) trying for comeback via help of director (Holden). Crosby excels in one of his finest roles. 1954. Watching the 1st half of this movie last night, I was getting a little impatient & smooth talked Kathy into finishing the rest later; she was unhappy….that for once, she was wide awake & I had the nerve to do such a thing. For me, too slow & predictable; for her it was a good story.

Rochelle sends another e-mail; her mother passed away late this morning pacific time. Shirley has been a close friend of (42) yrs; she will be sadly missed by her husband, John, many family members & many friends.

I write an e-mail of condolence to Rochelle who has been my good buddy since she was (5) yrs of age, when her dad was killed in an industrial accident. Rochelle chose Kathy & me to be Godparents to their 1st child & even named her after us, Monica Kathryn.

High today=60 Lights out: 11:56pm

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