Tuesday 13 May 2008

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Awake: 5:17am Temp 39 sleep 5+06 thick fog, then sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Early morning Skype with my friend Ray in Ocean Park, WA; good signal.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK meeting for over an hr; hot topic: Nicktown Hotel. After the meeting, John B. gives me (2) aviation CD’s & an “Aircraft of the World” book to help me get my aviation injection fix for the month.

Mid morning, our near neighbor Chuck pays a visit with a request: he bought his wife a Desk Scanner for her birthday & wants me to program it with local Cambria County frequencies: Fire Dispatch Nicktown, Ebensburg Airport, Johnstown Local Government, Police, Fire, EMS, etc. I won’t start the programming today as we are about to have some rugged explorers tramping thru our forest & field this afternoon.

Melissa & the miniature scouts arrive just after 2:10pm. They look a little dazzled getting out of their Mini Van; maybe it’s the new & different program Melissa elected for today.

In lieu of going into our motorhome, dumping out a bag of toy cars & trucks & having them speeding down the highways of our rug, they are encouraged to walk the field & follow the quad runner trail leading into our forest. Andrew was quite disappointed about this @ first & Matthew wasn’t exactly gung ho, but they ambled along with that “do I have to” look on their face. Nathan wasn’t too happy either; he wanted to get down but found himself being carried by Melissa in a frontal wrap.

I was quite pleased that Melissa inspired these little rug huggers to muscle up & probe into the wilds of nature; especially on such a nice weather day! Soon they found such appealing things as: dirty water holes; a lady bug; & a rundown, dilapidated, muddy, sloppy kid hideout. Matthew thought it would be great fun to tramp thru some muddy water holes & then discovered to his consternation that he did not like walking in squishy, wet shoes. Newly fallen trees from the strong winds of (2) days ago, provided a horizontal climbing area across wide & narrow limbs, maybe even a little scare for their Mother as they proceeded with their Evil Knievel attitude. The boys were even content to have their afternoon snack in the wilds of the almost dark forest. Even Nathan was able to get down & wriggle his toes in the fallen leaves. Wow, I was impressed; but wait, there’s more.

Coming out of the woods & sauntering onto neighbor Mac’s yard, Grandma’s cookies were served & Mac invited us into his home for a grand tour. Mac’s wife died about (2) years ago & he still misses her & is rather lonely. He loves little kids & had Andrew smiling right away as he threw him in the air & caught him. I’m sure our visit was the highlight of his day.

I hope I wasn’t the only one that felt those boys really enjoyed a different day out with Mother Nature, Grandma, “G” daddy & Mother Melissa.

After we wave goodbye to the miniature scouts & Melissa, Kathy gets out the white sheet, chair & clippers & we give each other darn good haircuts which was well overdue.

Then we watch the nat’l news; Jim Lehrer News hr & the O’Reilly Factor.

Dinner: Homemade crab cakes, broccoli, wild rice & a salad.

DVR movie: “The Country Girl.” We watch ½ & save the other half for tomorrow night.

High temp=64 Lights out: 11:38pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 16, 2008 9:09 PM.

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