Wednesday 22 August 2007

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Awake: 6:21am Temp 59 sleep 6+21 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

K & I attend the Koffee Klub meeting & then exercise for (70) min.

Back @ the bus, Gary C. calls; he tells a sad story about spilled milk. Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “don’t cry over spilled milk.” So for $10.00 & a self addressed stamped envelope, I will send you the very exciting & sad story that Gary C. relayed to me about his spilled milk. It’s true; it really happened & you will be amazed. Don't delay; this special offer only good until tomorrow.

Just this morning after exercising, our TV quit working. I could get the upper 1/5th of the screen like the heading, but nothing else. I had no idea of where to begin. Fortunately, I called DirecTV about (5) min later. Jeremy @ DirecTV, casually reminded me of the reset feature on the receiver &, maybe (7) min later, bingo! All is normal again.

Speaking of TV’s, I load the Foote TV in the trunk of the Lexus; drive to Indiana, PA & return it to its rightful owners. I could not fix their DVD problem. I made a few calls & none of the repair shops I talked with had any idea of where parts could be found for this brand of TV.
I affixed the recently welded seat to Andrew’s tricycle & set it to the lowest position. However, I soon realized that Andrew’s legs are not quite long enough to reach the pedals; maybe a few more months or Kevin could add wooden blocks to get Andrew behind the handlebars sooner.

We take a walk around the block with the Foote family for some fresh air, sunshine & exercise for the boys. Matthew rode his tricycle, sometimes giving Andrew a ride on the back but most of the time Andrew walked, literally taking time to smell the flowers &, of course, searching for ants & other bugs on the sidewalk; it was an amusing time. Kathy leaves to do more shopping in the stores of Indiana, looking for items to complete a “tea” theme basket for the Theme Basket Boutique @ Nicktown Homecoming Picnic while I return to our bus in Nicktown.

I attend evening 6:00pm Mass; en route back to our bus, I stop & visit Nick & Eleanor T. who are on their porch relaxing. Nick has recently returned from an emergency stay in the hospital where he had to have a pace maker put in place. He looks & sounds good but is having to take it easy for a while yet. After about 15 min, Kathy drives by, waves, parks the Suzuki & walks back to join in the visit.

Late dinner: BLT’s & grapes.

Evening movie: “I Want You” with Dana Andrews, Dorothy McGuire, Farley Granger, Peggy Dow, Robert Keith, etc. Dated yet still touching Americana detailing effects of the Korean War on a small-town family. 1972. Yes dated, but very much alive with our Iraq war dilemma.
High temp=? Lights out: 12:12am

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