Thursday 21 June 2007

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 69 sleep 6+10 cloudy, then late rain overnight @ Watertown, WI.

Today Larry & I take the Alkota pressure washer to be repaired; it’s about an hr’s drive into west Milwaukee to the suburb of New Berlin. Jim, the chief repair guy @ Mid-West Service, says when he finds out if the leak in the hot water coil can be welded or needs a replacement coil, he’ll call.

Jim is an interesting fellow: besides being a hot water pressure service man, he is literally a Rocket Scientist. He & his teammates have to schedule a time in advance with the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) to launch their rockets into the atmosphere. These are not small rockets; some are (8-10-12) feet tall & they can reach an altitude of over 20,000 ft.

Their rockets are recoverable & used again & again; on the return to earth, an onboard altimeter lets the rocket free fall to about 1000 ft; then the parachute opens & brings the rocket softy to the ground + they don’t have to travel miles to recover it. It was fascinating listening to Jim talk about his favorite hobby.

On our return to Watertown, we stop @ a V. Richardson Grocery store where Larry buys some pasta & a bag of potato chips for a snack & I buy some aged Gouda for later.

Back @ the house, Larry asks if maybe we should do another mowing around the factory grounds before the next rain. I agree but insist that the blades on both mowers get sharpened first. It took some time to remove all (6) blades, sharpen, & make sure they were balanced, & then torque the blades back on, but it will be worth it.

After that project, Larry suggests a casual (6) mile bike ride to get the kinks out. This time I accept the offer which turned out to be most enjoyable. I ride one of his light road bikes with the shifters on both handle bars that move outward in lieu of back & forth. Larry’s in great shape & a real gentleman as he waited for me to catch up on the small hills. Then we return to their house where we have our wine time.

7:00 dinner by Sallie: Kosher hot dogs, whole wheat buns, broccoli, baked beans & maple walnut pudding for dessert.

Evening entertainment; we watch a Tivo movie: “Designing Woman.” There was a lot of interference due to a late evening thunderstorm & precipitation.

High temp= 74 Lights out: 11:33pm

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