Wednesday 20 June 2007

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Awake: 5:20am Temp 57 sleep 5+43 sunny overnight @ Watertown, WI.

I wait until Larry gets the call from Dale regarding the starter for the Hyster; that happens around 9:45am & I am ready to roll. The rebuilt starter looks identical to our worn out one so Larry pays the bill & we are on our way to the factory. The starter installation went smooth & next, the battery is fastened down & terminals connected. Larry turns the key & then….vroom! Music to our ears; then we congratulate each other.

Before Larry begins using the forklift to move materials, steel, junk, etc, I ask him what can I do now to help out. He gives me the job of bringing down the unused & heavy hydraulic motors from the 2nd floor parts supply room; about a dozen steps are involved. Then stack the motors on a pallet so the forklift can easily move them to another location for inventorying &, eventually, selling.

For the next (2-3) hrs Larry keeps that forklift mighty busy, moving unwanted scrap iron, miscellaneous items of no further use, etc; all of that stuff gets fed into the dumpster just outside the building.

Meanwhile, my arms & legs are getting some good exercise; lifting & stepping. I use a plastic carrying tub to bring (1, 2, or 3) hydraulic motors down the stairs at a time; depending on how big & how heavy. I know there is a better & easier way to work this project, especially now that we have a working forklift & I’ll be talking with Larry about it. After (24) trips, I begin to think that I’ve carried enough of this heavy metal for today. About the same time, Larry wheels back into the building & parks the Hyster. It’s about 3:30 & we are both ready to call it a day.

Before we close the big doors to the building, Larry asks me: “what do you think is causing that overhead halogen light to make such a loud buzzing noise when the light bulb is already disconnected?” “I’m not sure” I tell him. “Maybe it’s the step up transformer.” “Can you get rid of it” he asks. “If I can borrow your small flashlight, the Leatherman & you turn off the circuit breaker for that electrical area” I reply. I climb the ladder, open the small electrical access panel, pull out a few wires & snip the black leads. Standing on the last rung of the ladder while holding onto a solid ceiling rail; then shinning the light inside the small open access area & snipping those wires was a little scary for me; but when Larry switched the circuit breaker on again, that noise was “gone.”

Back @ their house, Larry invites me to join him & his friend Bill for a (2) hr bike ride. After a few seconds of deep thought, I decline. “My legs already had a good workout for today but try me tomorrow” I tell him.

His buddy Bill comes whooshing in the driveway shortly thereafter; Larry introduces him & I offer him a quick bus tour; then they are off & peddling.

When Larry returns, we enjoy a quick wine time, then an 8:00pm dinner by Sallie of: (2) types of pizza; cheese & veggie. Quite good!

Late evening: K & I watch the O’Reilly Factor.

High temp=81 Lights out: 11:52pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 27, 2007 5:57 PM.

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