Friday 22 June 2007

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Awake: 5:52am Temp 59 sleep 6+19 cloudy overnight @ Watertown, WI.

Larry & I go to the factory. We discuss an easier & simpler method of getting all those hydraulic motors down from the 2nd floor parts storage. Larry finds a wire cutter & suggests that cutting a section of the wire fence out will allow enough open space for the forklift to pickup a pallet load of motors & bring them down to the 1st floor.

Much better operation; (3) more pallet loads were lowered to the 1st floor before 1:00pm. The inside of the factory is getting larger; using the forklift, Larry moved a Suburban auto with no engine, out to the “for sale” area near the highway & a lot of good steel to one dumpster + junk steel to another dumpster.

@ 1:10 we break for lunch; then decide to do the mowing around the factory. Larry was finished with his section in less than an hr; my area took 1hr 20 min. Sharp blades make a difference plus the grass hadn’t grown that much in a week’s time.

After the mowing Larry uses the forklift to move heavy “I” beams which had different size pipes stored on tiers & other solid steel bars. Pipes go into the junk dumpster & the “I” beams are set aside as good steel.

Back to the house, K & I both shower as she was working with Sallie & is dirty also. We have our wine time & then, the Shabbat begins: Sallie’s brother, Bruce & the boys, Jonathan & Micha, arrive & later, wife & mother, Marsha, who flew in from NC where she welcomed the birth of a grandson.

Dinner by Sallie: Chicken egg drop soup; chicken with chopped salad, suteed green beans & mushrooms + cake for dessert. Lots of lively talk until 10:00pm; then we retire to our respective homes for the night.

High today=74 Lights out: 11:34pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 30, 2007 3:43 PM.

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