Wednesday 13 December 2006

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Awake: 6:35am Temp 53 Sleep 5+46 sunny overnight @ Aransas Pass,

Most of the day (save for a trip to Wal-Mart & our 4:00pm Social Hr) was
spent packing our suitcases & bringing extra winter clothing along for our
trip north.

It is amazing how many things we feel we should bring with us that we
probably could do very well without. It’s like; we always have these
items with us in our home so now we can’t leave them behind…..not even for
a month. End result: our Suzuki is stuffed!

4:00pm social hr again was fun. I say my goodbyes to the guys with “Merry
Christmas” wishes. I know the pool game will be even more competitive upon
our return; they’ll have all that extra time for practice.

Before dinner, we retract all slides.

6:35 dinner: Italian sausage with whole wheat noodles, Waldorf salad &
garlic bread.

More organizing & packing into the evening.

High temp=72 Lights out: 10:12pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 14, 2006 7:08 PM.

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