Thursday 14 December 2006

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Awake: 5:45am Temp 65 sleep 7+33 partly sunny overnight @
Aransas Pass, TX.

Driving our Suzuki tow car, we leave Aransas Pass @ 8:10am heading north.
We follow the same smooth roads to Houston that we came south on November
26, except this time, when we get to Houston, we pick up I-10 eastbound.

We share driving time: I drive 2.5 hrs; Kathy drives 3 hrs; then I drive
another 2 hrs.

We make 3 stops en route: lunch break in our car (stopped with shade);
fuel stop @ a Pilot Station in Orange, Texas; & a tourist info stop in
Louisiana for the state map.

We arrive @ the Holiday Inn Express in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana @ 5:00pm

Today’s travel: 433 miles driving time approx 7.5 hrs.

Nice hotel, recently renovated. It had been used for some of the displaced
New Orleans people for about 6 months following Hurricane Katrina. To us
it looked like new.

6:00pm dinner @ Landry’s Seafood Restaurant; a short walk from our hotel.
Kathy & I share a fresh Swordfish dinner with rice, carrots, green beans &
a salad.

Evening time: we do more sharing; each getting some computer time.

Lights out: 10:28pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 15, 2006 6:17 PM.

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