Tuesday 12 December 2006

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Awake: 5:41am Temp 63 sleep 5+49 sunny overnight @ Aransas Pass, TX.

After breakfast, Kathy is assigned & accepts the washing of our Suzuki
while I finish cleaning the final 1/6th of our motorhome. Our work
efficiency drops off a little as some of our near neighbors walk over for
a visit & curiosity view of our Detroit engine, etc. I add a little
coolant to the diesel engine’s radiator & some Mobile one synthetic oil to
our Suzuki’s engine plus check other fluids for proper quantity. Kathy did
a wonderful job of the Suzuki’s cleanup. We break for lunch around 1:30.
Then I bring in our suitcases for packing & collect the gallon water
bottles for refilling all 13 in Pennsylvania.

4:00pm social hr was fun. These guys are great. The pool playing however,
was ho-hum as Fred & Mike were the guys to beat & the rest of us patiently
watched & waited. As a matter of fact, so many of us played so little that
4 of us stayed later & played 3 games just to get some practice in. That
Fred, he’s 76, has good eyes & does not wear glasses.

6:30 dinner: Pacific salmon, Waldorf salad & garlic bread.

Late satellite movie: “The Yearling” with Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude
Jarman, Jr., Chill Wills, etc. A sensitive tale of a boy attached to a
young deer. Jarman won a special Oscar for this one. 1946. Its a little
slow & a little long….I had to fill Kathy in on “what’s happening” several
times. Washing that Suzuki obviously wore her out!

Today’s high=74 Lights out: 12:49am

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