Monday 11 December 2006

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Awake: 5:45am Temp 61 sleep 6+10 foggy, then sunny overnight @
Aransas Pass, TX.

Today’s project: Clean house! Kathy works with me….starting @ 10:30am &
cleaning throughout the day until 3:45pm. We did break for a 30 min lunch
however. So that’s 4 hrs & 30 min of exercise but we didn’t quite get
finished. Tomorrow we’ll finish up.

Social hr @ 4:00pm took precedence & it was good. 2 new pool players
joined our crowd: Fred & Jim. Yesterday they were unbeatable & some of us
duffers had little playing time. Today Fred & Jim were split up with
different partners so they were of a lesser threat to the rest of us. This
campground allows a “one time” washing the motorhome & car per season,
thus the cleanup program.

6:30 dinner: Italian sausage with whole wheat noodles, Waldorf salad &
garlic bread.

Call & talk with Dick @ the Outdoor Resort RV Park in Las Vegas, NV.

High temp=65 Lights out: 11:52pm

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