Saturday 27 May 2006

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Awake: 5:48am Temp 59 sleep 6+56 partly sunny overnight @

Report for work @ the Foote house @ 8:01am. We make some good progress on
the air conditioning again today. Kevin wanted to make another 3rd floor
to 1st floor run through a closet by noon time…. & that worked
great…thanks to his idea of: from the takeoff plenum, he ran the tubing
through the 3rd floor joist cavity, than down through the 2nd floor closet
inside a 4” PVC pipe to the dining room ceiling.

Our next run started from the east side end plenum above the unfinished
bathroom, down thru a wall space, through the 2nd floor cavity & also into
the dining room ceiling; another well planned idea by Kevin. He wanted to
get a 3rd run in yet today but my time ran out @ 4:01. Another 8 hr day &
no lunch. We leave @ 4:15.

Back @ the bus, we both take showers, then walk to 6:00pm vigil Sunday Mass.

7:40pm dinner: Leftover meatloaf, gravy, brown rice, mixed salad & toast.

Late evening movie: “Sayonara” with Marlon Brando. Extremely well acted &
heartwarming. 1957

High today=? Lights out: 12:46am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 1, 2006 7:52 PM.

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