Sunday 28 May 2006

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Awake: 6:30am Temp 55 sleep 6+15 sunny overnight @ Nicktown

Kathy makes us each a different & hot breakfast. After that treat, I go
outside & take tire pressure readings on the (8) motorhome tires & (4)
tires on the Suzuki. Then crank up the Detroit Diesel engine &, using the
engine compressor & my long air hose, pump up a few tires that were a
little low & bring them up to the recommended specs.

Next, Kathy & I work together in filling our (12) empty gallon bottles
with fresh water from our well for drinking water, then store them in
various places in the basement. While she is helping me with the water,
she is also doing (3) loads of laundry.

And another next: I Velcro the dash cover securely to the dash with @
least 50 small sticky pieces. Now it won�t be sliding around during our

@ 3:10pm, Gary & Rosemary C. arrive. We sit inside for awhile having a
snack of mixed nuts with wine & plenty of updating talk. Then we drive to
the town of Clymer (25min) & have dinner @ the Stony Bank restaurant. K &
I share a filet with veggies, baked potato, & salad. It was a nice break
from having the ladies cook & the guys do the dishes. Our server was
really cute & most efficient: It was Ken�s daughter, Veronica,�.the guy
who let me use his John Deere tractor for mowing our field May 10th.

En route back to Nicktown, we tour the town of Alverda a little & find out
where Bill lives, one of our most distinguished coffee club members. Gary
& Rosemary also wanted us to tour them around Nicktown but I had to be
firm & remind them: �We just don�t have enough time for that now!�

High temp=78 Lights out: 11:04pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 2, 2006 7:25 PM.

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