Friday 26 May 2006

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Awake: 5:16am Temp 59 sleep 6+29 rain—off & on all day
Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to our community center & exercise for 55 min before attending
8:00am Mass. Then join the thin coffee club members for 1.2 hrs.

After breakfast, for whatever reason, I felt tired…..& actually napped for
30 min on the living room floor. When I entered the bedroom, here Kathy
was sound asleep as well. Must have been the weather.

I spend some time on the computer & reading my magazines.

6:30 dinner: Tuna noodle broccoli casserole with toast.

Evening movie: “Battleground.” This rugged look @ WWII’s famous Battle of
the Bulge was a resounding hit during the late 40’s. Everything looks &
sounds real. Kathy wasn’t impressed however, she sneaked in a nap now &
then. 1949.

High temp=62 Lights out: 10:52pm

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