Sunday 30 April 2006

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Awake: 6:19am Temp 43 Partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

On Friday, Kathy made some healthy muffins using whole wheat flour,
bananas, pure maple syrup, Crasins, chopped walnuts, etc. This morning for
breakfast, we each had a muffin, with 2 eggs over easy & bacon. They were

Sometime later I do the spring cleaning on our Fisher Paykal dishwasher,
reset the rinse solution & clean the big filter.

Last Friday the 21st when I dumped 7 loads of topsoil into those deep ruts
from our motorhome, I noticed quite a few rocks were mixed in with the
soil. Today, Kathy & I walked over to the area & picked out all the rocks
we could find without digging too far into the soil. I wouldn’t want our
neighbor Nick to chip a blade on his riding mower.

Late afternoon, I check my credit card receipts against the organized

5:30 dinner: Herbed pork in mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, sateed
broccoli in cheese sauce, spinach salad & toast.

Evening satellite movie: “Dirty Dancing,” 1987. This film would have been
“X” rated during the 50’s.

Late evening satellite movie: “Wake Island.” Advertised as a true story &
the first realistic American film made about World War II…..upon further
investigation, we found out that quite a few issues & conclusions were
“not so true” after all. 1942

High temp=67 Lights out: 10:28pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 8, 2006 12:55 PM.

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