Saturday 29 April 2006

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Awake: 5:00am Temp 37 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

7:55am report time for the continuation on the Foote project. 1st thing
for me: drive over to the Tractor Supply store for Tigon tubing & a hose
clamp for the alternate drip pan. Total work time on the Space Pak today
was 7 hrs: foam pads put underneath the air handler; drip pan with drain
in place & the air handler on the floating platform, balanced & connected
to a section of plenum duct leading to the knee wall attic. Finally we are
able to move forward beyond that air handler.

I take 5 min & call the Anchorage Daily news & leave a message with Starla
in the Ad department.

Now inside the attic area, we realize some of our plenum duct sections
should be hung from the roof rafters to avoid any chance of slight bending
of the plenum duct & possible air leak. We need hanging straps now so a
trip to Loews follows with a quick stop @ Sudsey’s for another sample
bottle of dark beer to consume later. By the time we return, our work time
is up and Kathy, Melissa, and the boys soon return. They took advantage of
the beautiful weather and walked to St. Thomas More church (@ 2 mi. RT) to
attend the health fair sponsored by the church and IUP School of Nursing.

K & I return to our motor coach, shower & walk to 6:00pm Mass @ St.
Nicholas Church.

8:05 dinner: Chicken with scalloped spinach, whole wheat noodles in
spaghetti sauce & toast.

Evening movie: “A place in the Sun” with Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery
Clift, Shelley Winters, Raymond Burr, etc. Taylor, Clift & Winters are
caught in a tragic love triangle which kept us both equally entertained.

Katrina calls from Denver around 10:30pm while driving to visit friends.
She’s doing great!

High temp=64 Lights out: 11:25pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 4, 2006 1:39 AM.

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